Yellow and Red Circular Logo with fire oven in the center representing Shawaya House

Report a Concern

Shawaya House welcomes any complaint or concern whether it is from the company's employees, customers, suppliers, or any other party.
The company encourges all to report any violations and write possible recommendations regarding its employess, company's-related entities, or the company itself by filling-in the form below so that it can review or reslove them and contact the person concerned (if preferred).
Noting that the company will deal with reports with complete confidentiality.

This form is not meant for customer support or suggestions, and therefore, kindly refer to the RELEVANT FORM. In addition, you can alternatively use the form YOUR OPINION MATTERS for feedback and reviewing the restaurant’s quality and services.

  • Kindly, take enough time to prepare and write as much details as possible regarding the issue. This helps us understand the report properly and take the necessary procedures. Mention details on the background and context of the issue, names, situations happened, addresses, or specific company's departments along with the date and time. Also, kindly attach any documents, picture, files, etc. that supports your complaint/concern. Please don't forget to also include the contact details in the relevant fields below to help us get more details if necessary.
  • Accepted file types: jpeg, jpg, pdf, zip, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Supported file extensions jpg, jpeg, pdf, zip. docx (5MB max.) For multi-file upload kindly attach a compressed file (zip)
  • Contact details (optional)

    We respect your privacy in case you wish not to disclose your identity. But, if you want us to contact you regarding any updates on the status of the concern reported or to get more useful details, please fill the contact fields below

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.